
Laconia Bike Week 2009: 


Thousands of bikes decend on the little state of NH for the week.


Back in the day I was given the opportunity to do 3 full seasons of events working a concession stand with my sister Casey. We sold Sausage, Beef & Pork Sandwiches and we were FREAKING GOOD AT IT.

Bike Week was the longest and involved the most work, but it was by far the most interesting.

Women in pasties & G-strings. Men in pasties & G-Strings. The people watching was incredible.

Our stand was set up in the same place for 10 days and it allowed for us to make friends with the vendors around us. People we would not normally associate or even be exposed to in real life, became our friends for the week.

Sean the Glue Guy was set up directly in front of us for a few years. He was from Canada and his favorite saying was " all these fat Americans, all they do is eat." (Umm.. your set up in front of a BEEF stand. OF CORSE YOUR GONNA SEE THEM EAT.)

We chatted with members for the Hell's Angels for 3 days before Casey realized they were not in fact a baseball team. I can not convey with words the 3 Stooges-like comedy of that situation, only to assure you that while they were a little offended we didn't notice all the COLORS & BADGES, they did think our horrified reaction was kinda funny.

The owners of the Brewster's ice cream stand became GREAT friends. Mostly because we couldn't get enough of their ice-cream and we spent our tips there every night. * I'd like to thank them for contributing to my issue of "nightly ice-cream ENTITLEMENT " which has led me to Weight Watchers.

One thing about these events is the little known fact that there is no BATHROOMS.

At the beginning of the week a huge truck dumps 30 Porta Pottys off and promises to return to empty them. This type of thing is a dealbreaker for a girl like me. I don't do well being enclosed in a tiny space accompanied by OTHER PEOPLES WASTE, never mind 4 day old waste mixed with whatever other body fluids might be present.

In the interest of public Health, most event holders obtain "volunteers" to help maintain the porta potties. They keep them clear of DEBRIS and hose them out every hour with disinfectant. The "volunteers" set up a stand outside the bank of Porta Potties with Hand Sanitizer and a Tip Jar. They make a lot of money.

They were VERY IMPORTANT to us. We brought them Pork and Beef Sandwiches.

Everyone was happy.


A boy and his belly. 

We tried on MANY clothes for him today..

( Aiden, you NEED to learn to wear underwear and not suprise your mother in the dressing room with the lack of undergarments.)

I can't find anything that can fit both his waist & legs. 

His belly is growing. His legs are catching up.

Till then we are stuck with either his "babing suit" or the favorite outfit, THE BIRTHDAY SUIT.


Your so 2000&LATE. 

She is my delicate flower. My Princess Dance Queen. She's all ARMS and LEGS, but she is so graceful.

She is trying to copy the actual dance moves from the Video.

I edited a few verses so they are kid friendly.

If you think they don't know the right words, your WRONG. The offical lyrics so have the word SHIP.

He calls her Smarty and she says " Mom, he calls me that cuz he knows I'm smart".

( or he's making fun of you.. )


Boom Boom Pow. from Michelle Weldon on Vimeo.





American Idol: on his way to ROUND 2. 

It is a dirty little secret in my family that I have never watched a season of American Idol.

My little cousin Ed made it thru the first round of auditions that took place in Boston.

Next month he will sing in front of Simon, Paula and Randy.

I hereby pledge that I will watch the ENTIRE season if my dear cousin makes it thru this round.

Click on his picture above to read his interview with Boston. com.

He's super excited and since we are a LARGE Irish Family he can count on a large fan base right from the start.

Thank you Eddie for providing me with something to post for DAY 16 of the 30 DAY POST. 

(it's like the 30 Day Shred : only less sweaty)


Photoshop: Sometimes I get carried away. 

I stuck him in the cuddle bear towel.

I think he's cute and he looks like a dork wearing it since he outgrew it  3 years ago.

Because he was so grouchy about having the "baby towel" I forced him to put the hood on while I found my camera. ( don't mess with me, I'll take pictures of you in a stupid towel)

When I took the picture off the camera the light was all messed up.

The right side had too much light, the left had no light.

So I moved it into Photoshop to brighten /darken and MAKE IT BETTER.

I ended up with this one:


But: then I think I may have gotten carried away. There are so many filters and color boost options. Sometimes you forget where you started from.




Either way he looks freaking adorable.  Or just freaky. I'm not sure.


The Da Vinci Code: I'm so behind the times. 

I know.

Who hasn't read this book. Seen the movie. Read the sequal or seen the new movie.

I broke my work computer and somehow this gave me the weekend free to finally devote some time to this book.

I like it so far. I'll keep you posted.

PS. this is my way of letting you know that I'm going to read my book.


Christopher "Cuddy" Ford wins Skate Competition.

There were easy 200 skaters there.

To win a prize you must be one of the best.

He won two prizes.

The sponsors of the competiton recognized him as one of the top 10.

Anyone who knows my nephew, knows how much he loves this sport.

How much dedication he has to skateboarding.

Today his hard work and relentless practice was rewarded.

We are all so proud.


Friday: Date Night Reincarnated. 


A ritual DATE NIGHT FRIDAY has emerged from the ashes of toddlerhood.

6 years ago this man and I had standing date nights of Tuesday and Friday.

We carved out time for each other.

Then these babies came into the picture and our date nights became FAMILY NIGHTS.

For the past few weeks we have taken full advantage of having a 14 year old and enlisted her in sitting with her brother and sister for one night a week.

Our entire family has benefited.

We have had so much fun with the people watching, laughing and reminiscing.

I just love him, I really do.

Happy Friday and may you all have a Date Night in your future.


June Eleventh Two Thousand Nine : AKA Couldn't think of another title.

Thursday is weigh in day at Weight Watchers.

I'm on Week 4 out of the REST OF MY LIFE and my total weight loss is 2.0 pounds.

Bleh.. I'm not winning any awards for speed, but I heard a rumor that slow and steady win the race.. 

At least one time a day I get physcial activity.

I try to run but my running partner AIDEN, hates to miss anything and will hold up traffic to examine 2 week old horse poop, he makes the running thing really a walking backwards thing.

We had a lovley playdate this afternoon. Emily's bestest friend in the world Jacob was here with his mom, sister and brother. His brother's name is Zachary. For some reason I only wanted to call him NOAH?

One last note and I will post this and then pray something REALLY EXCITING happens tomorrow so I don't have to record for all of eterinty what I had for dinner..

Aiden received a haircut today by huge biker guy :Mr. Barber @ Dudes Barber Shop.

For the first time in Haircut History we did not have tears.

Mr. Barber liked Aiden and it was all dounuts and lollipops for both of them.

The End.


It's that time of year again.

One year ago these two BABIES went to Grad.

Attending the Grad Dance was the first of the formal dances attended.

She looked beautiful and had a great time.

Grad dinner and dance are scheduled for next week. This year she will attend as an 8th grader.

A new dressed has been purchased

A date has been secured.

She just can't wait.