Entries from November 1, 2010 - November 30, 2010


Snuggle together for warmth..

Snuggle together for warmth.., originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

Disney Retro Continues..

I want to go back and give those babies one last snuggle before they grow in to the big kids that just came in and kissed me goodnight.

We leave in 1 day . Tomorrow is CRAZY. There will be packing and new soccer team and CAST REMOVAL and CAST APPLICATION.

Aiden woke me this morning at 5:00 AM. I thought it was 6:00 and made him breakfast and myself some coffee. NOT FUNNY..

My 5:00AM wake up is kicking my ass right now.

I started dinner this morning @ 10:00 AM.



Jasmine 2006 Coming ATCHA. 

Jasmine, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

Hello Princess.

This will be our 6th year ? going to Disney.

Emily is 3 years old in this picture. Now she is 7.

That little kid was SO MUCH FUN. She didn't say much but she got her point across.. There were 14 of us back then and we would all watch her, glued to her reaction to PRINCESS OVERLOAD.

She will always be our baby girl, just WAY BIGGER.


November IS GOING TO BE HECTIC: But let’s give it a try.

I need to back up and recap all of summer. It was an awesome and crazy time and it deserves a good long post. BUT, because I can’t seem to get out of my own way in order to do justice to a recap, I’ll fill you in  regarding my PRESENT and someday catch up with the recent PAST.

Today is Nov. 2ND and we leave for Disney in 4 days.

About 10 Days ago I casually mentioned how lucky I was that we had escaped the BACK TO SCHOOL PLAUGE that seems to happen every September. The next day Emily came down with a temp of 101 and it HOVERED there for 3 days. LESSON LEARNED : Do not tempt Karma or she will rear her ugly head and chomp on your boasting ASS.

It appears that Karma was not done teaching me a lesson. Let’s use Bullet Points, because there are many lessons.

    • Dan’s back had been a little sore, mostly because our mattress SUCKED. It used to be a great mattress, then we had children. Also my 6.5 foot, 290ish pound husband MAY HAVE broken the poor thing down.  Anyway, we found him laying on the floor of the kitchen unable to move last Sunday. He had pulled a lower back muscle and was having back spasms. The Dr. gave him a round of steroids and ASSURED him he would be fine for Disney. 7 Days later he had a relapse and YESTERDAY the Dr. gave him double the steroid and has again assured us he will BE FINE. **FINGERS CROSSED.
    • 7 Days ago while trying to teach Aiden how to get out of the tree without hurting himself, he fell out of the tree and hurt himself. It looked at first like he had landed on his back and knocked the wind out, but NO. That was not the problem. He landed somehow on his elbow. The same elbow that he had broken 2 years ago. Making sure to fully complete this FREAKING NIGHTMARE, I spent the next hour FAINTING. The elbow had swollen and looked awful and  every time he made a sound or I looked at it. I fainted. Dan’s back was not working and I was fainting. FANTASTIC. Finally we got X-Rays that did not show any fractures, but they half casted it because clearly something was going on. Appt  with Ortho on Friday confirmed that it was still really swollen and needed a cast for our trip. Half cast till this Friday and then waterproof cast will be put on for Disney.
    • On Halloween night Emily, Aiden and good friend Jack were playing a very serious game of Princess, Bad Guy and Ben 10 Super Ultimate Super Hero. Well, the Princess didn’t make it out unscathed. Emily tripped while being escorted to “jail” and took her capture with her to the ground. They fell directly on Emily’s chin. About 100 combined pounds of body weight on her chin. It did not bleed. I did not faint. But it’s the freakiest thing I have ever seen. Looks like a bullet wound. Purple and Black. She’s going to look GREAT  in her Princess costume.

That’s all I have for tonight. Making an effort to post. More than one time a month. NABLPOMO : National Blog Posting Month started on the first. I may not make it the whole month, but I’ll see how far I’ll get! .

Till tomorrow.


Halloween 2010

Halloween, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

Much to share.

5 Days to Disney.

Nicole is stealing my computer for the night.

Wanted to make sure I posted SOMETHING, it's NOV. 1st.

Let's hope that on Nov 2nd we can sit and catch up!.