Entries from January 1, 2010 - January 31, 2010


My New Favorite Picture. 


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.. (Belated)

Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year.

On December 18th I posted for Nicole, then Hey! Took a month off? Whatever. Christmas was fun. Everyone got what they wanted. We had a PIONEER WOMEN christmas eve with Apple Dumplings and Bread Pudding. New Years was another dessert fest, next year we may just record the ball dropping. I'm getting old. Fast forward to Christmas Party with all 85 of my cousins... ANNNNND we are all caught up!

Look at that. One month.. One Paragraph.

Here are some pretty pictures from our Holiday Extravaganza: 

 The Cousins 3.

They are the big kids. At one time there were 5. Now there are 3. Everyone grows up.

BLAH BLAH BLAH. I don't want to hear it. I KNOW.

My handsome nephew came home from the Navy for Christmas.

We hadn't seen him since July when he left for Boot Camp. He's so different - yet exactly the same. 

Good Bye Salior. : Kurt poses with the "babies" before he heads back to South Carolina.


My new favorite picture of Nicole and Emily taken with Casey's new Canon : this is SOC. No editing. It could use a little crop, and maybe some softening. But it's taking me forever to edit and post. So here it is.

I'm going to refrain from discussing any New Years Resolutions: But for the record.

In the 2 months I took off from Weight Watchers: I ONLY GAINED 2 POUNDS.