Entries from January 1, 2011 - January 31, 2011


Mah Roofer

Mah Roofer, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

At least 15 inches of ice was sitting under 15 inches of snow.

It had to be done and I'm a big fat chicken.

My bigger than average husband had to brave the ladder and any fear of heights to remove the ice and snow before it joined us in the living room.

His is my hero.


The Pirates

The Pirates, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

They are so stinking cute.

My dentally advanced babies sporting all their adult teeth.

We were off to see the Pirates of the Caribbean and they both broke out the Pirate face.

Disney 2010 was by far the best.

They are the funniest little people.


Day 10: Week 2 Weigh In.

Check out the new pretty button---->. Casey and I joined the Biggest Blogging Losers.

Today was Week 2 Weigh IN.

Last week was a wash. Did well food wise, treadmill and Jillian. But, Cousin Christmas Party was Saturday and while I did indulge, it was the WINE that killed me. I’m thinking maybe the 4ish glasses of white wine are still being retained in my plump swollen little fingers.

I weighed in 3 pounds heavier than my starting weight.

WHATEVER. Start over..

Today after everyone left the house, I refused to sit down. I cranked the music and kept moving. Washed the cabinets and walls, the floors and refrigerator. The one advantage of having 5 people live in a house is that there is ALWAYS something to clean.  From 8:00 to 10:00 I made sure I kept moving. Then down to the treadmill and did 2.00 miles while watching the rest of the Christmas Glee, then did Shred with about 80% effort.. I was getting tired.


After we ate dinner, Dan wanted to take the kids to Gamestop and Cole had cheer practice, I WENT BACK ON THE TREADMILL. I know. WHO AM I?  1.5 Miles.

I’m like a SUPASTAR.


California Here We Come...

California Here We Come..., originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

California Here We Come...


Day 6 : Meanwhile back at the ranch.. 

image, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

Day after Christmas we had a blizzard.

It was REALLY good timing.

It was the most relaxing day I had in over 2 months.
Nobody was sick.
No guilt for not working.
No Christmas projects to finish.
No Cooking .
No Cleaning.

My cell phone pictures tell the stories of our day to day and I snap at least one a day. I downloaded an app called PHOTOID that allows for basic editing as well as a one touch upload to Flickr. While I love going back to tell the stories of my fav 2010 pictures, I don't want to forget 2011 and how fun everything is RIGHT NOW.


Day 5 : Remember this.. 

2010 070, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

While I slaving away at the Hopkington Fair this past August, Aiden lost his front tooth. Then a day later he lost the other one.

The Husband sent a picture of my no teeth boy to my phone while I was playing cashier and those poor people waiting to pay for their pork sandwiches watched as I started to cry.

My last baby lost his front baby teeth.

It's official, I have only big kids now.


Christmas OUT Take. #8259810

card 2 011, originally uploaded by Michelle.Dan.

No time tonight, THANKS TO SOCCER.
I took at least 500 pictures for the Christmas card.. This one was my favorite.


Day 3 2011: the Day that doesn't end…

My day started @ 2:30ish this morning. Aiden snuck into my bed at some point. He must have been dreaming and during his flailing he hit the mouse connected to the desktop. This woke up the monitor and flooded my room with light and caused my ADRENLINE to go from DEAD SLEEP to UNDER ATTACK in .6 seconds.

As soon as I realized SWAT had not invaded my bedroom, I settled down to go back to sleep. My brain said NO WAY SUCKA!. I refused to submit to the insomnia and instead tried for the 3 hours to go to sleep. It didn’t work. I was up for the day. It was beyond NOT FUN.

Sent my money into the Biggest Blogging Loser Competition today. Casey and I are ready. We both need it so bad. The pot is over $1,000 and I’m 98 % we will be headed for California in April, so I’m hoping to be in some pretty good shape.

Tomorrow starts Day One of the competition and I’m hoping to fall asleep as soon as this is posted, so I will be ready to do some exercise.


Back for Day 2 : It’s A Christmas Miracle!

Today we had a get together. My family DOES get tog ether's. Like a BBQ, but in the winter we call them Parties. The core family is down to 12, it used to be 15, but then everyone had to go grow up and join the Navy and live FAR AWAY. My 2 sisters, parents plus all husbands and kids and it equals 12. Depending on the event, the number can skyrocket to 20 in a hot minute or it’s just the 12 of us.

Today’s event was a GATHERING for family and friends to hang out with my nephew who is in the Navy and stationed in Washington State, he brought HIS new family, so we all converged for A GET TO GETHER.

kurt 215

Aww…. Babies.

We are all a bunch of saps. Our youngest baby is Aiden and he’s 5 and heavy and usually stinky.  So when this little one is in your arms and smells like Baby Magic and just wants a little cuddle, you melt. Then start wishing you had JUST ONE MORE.


Happy New Year~!  01/01/2011

2010 407

2010 Deserves a real recap, but there is not enough time tonight. I’m hoping to do a Post a Day for 30 Days to get back in the groove and COMMIT THIS TIME TO MEMORY.

Aiden : started Kindergarten and rides the school bus LIKE A BIG KID. He falls asleep every afternoon on the way home, Emily has to wake him up. He is a funny kid.

Emily : is in the second grade. She plays soccer and LOVES it, she surprised us by requesting her soccer game over her holiday music show. She is playing an elephant in the school play and is SO excited.

Nicole: Made Varsity Cheer and she is BEYOND excited about this. She turned 16 and is starts drivers Ed in Feb.

It’s been a fun and crazy few months, Aiden broke his elbow AGIAN, we went to Disney,Dan hurt his back. I had strep and nobody else in the house did. We are a few days away from booking our trip to California.

With any luck, I’ll be back tomorrow.