Today is 9/11.
For the last seven years on this date we all remember where we were when we heard the news.
I remember.
I was sick with a head cold and almost didn't go into work. Somehow I managed to pull it together and get there.
My mom ALWAYS watched Good Morning America. I was working at an insurance agency and @ 8:30ish had just got to work when she called.
She told me that she couldn't really talk, but wanted to tell me 2 things:
1.) her Morning Glories had blossomed.
2.) Something had crashed into one of the towers at the world trade center.
I asked Marybeth who was in the cubicle behind me if she had heard anything, but she hadn't. She was working with an a import credit company that was in one of the towers, and she tried to call, but couldn't get thru. I tried to get on CNN Website, the page came up for a few seconds then the site crashed.
A few people went into the conference room where we there was a TV and were watching when the second plane hit the towers, they started yelling and the rest of us went in to check out what was going on.
We watched all those fire fighters and police go into the buildings. We saw the people running to get out. The TV footage made it so real, the people falling/jumping, we saw it as it happened. Hoping that they were ok and that they had made it to safety. (I think we kind of knew it was impossible.)
Then the first tower fell.
Nobody saw it coming. It was so unexpected. It was such a huge building.
We all yelled a little OMIGOD, NO.
Then the second tower.
It all started to sink in.
That all those people that we had just watched run INTO the buildings, were most likely dead.
Nobody said anything. A few were crying.
We were given the option to either go home or stay, our boss had a brother who was in one of the smaller towers and he was going home to be with his family till he heard any news.
I headed home, crawled into bed with some cold medicine and watched the news. There was footage and live reports on EVERY channel for the next 5 days.
I can't belive it was 8 years ago.
All day today there were memorials and tributes and watched them all thinking of that day and how the world has changed since then. We all talked about how we found out, and where we were that day. I wanted to make sure I wrote it down so 8 years from now I never forget.