Entries from August 1, 2010 - August 31, 2010
Ez does it.

I’m still picking up the pieces of our digital history. Hoping that what was lost will remain a mystery and not a sudden memory of a long forgotten and favorite video or picture. The last 7 years have been a lot of work and more fun then I’ve had in my life. I hope I am able to put Humpy Dumpty back together.
Today was a typical sunny summer day. The kids swam. Played “puppy”, where Emily is the mom and Aiden is the Robot Dog. I eavesdropped on them for awhile, he asks for a treat, she runs to the refrigerator and fetches him some cheese. They are so good together. Fights last only until I get involved, then they quickly combine forces to gang up on me.
I loved today.
We danced to I LOVE YOU and Lady GaGa while I cleaned the kitchen. The kids got a good workout by half doing the Shred with me. I ran/walked 2 miles after my 20 min. workout with Jillian. Got a few hours in @ work. Cole is at cheer with her back handspring so she is ecstatic.
It was a good day.

It’s been a full on summer BONANZA here a Camp Weldon. We invested in our very own 4 foot inflatable pool just in time for the July heat wave. The kids love it. I love it. They swim, get tired, sleep, eat and REPEAT at least 3 times a day.
I lost over 300 gigs worth of pictures and video sometime after Emily’s birthday. My external hard drive broke. I thought I had backed it up. I did. BUT TO IT’S SELF. For reasons known only to me, (I’d like to think I was DRUNK) I directed the back up path to it’s self. I have unlimited pro account with Flickr, where I could have uploaded these, but I didn’t. I don’t know what I’m missing. It’s like a fresh wound every time I think of an exact picture or video that’s gone.
August is here.
Looking forward to a relaxing end of the summer. Soccer and Cheer practices are starting. School starts at the end of the month.
Am making an effort to post. I need to remember these days. In case MY hard drive crashes someday.