Princess Emily Tuesday

One year ago she was a 3 mornings a week student at Hurney's Preschool. I stressed and worried that her speech would impact her ability to make friends and wondered if she woud fit in. She started school as the only student who did not attend the daycare. I wish I could have known then what I know now. She made friends without my help, she talked to her teachers without my interperting and this year she started full time school WITHOUT me.
She loves school. Ahh.. the rules and structure. Every day afterschool she sits on the counter and solemly recites EVERY word her teacher uttered during class time. It's very important that she does not catch you laughing, school is a sacred topic and no disrespect will be tolerated, if she suspects that you are dissing school in any way she will glare, toss the ponytail, an then refuse to talk about it for the rest of the day.
Emily knows how things work. I wonder if she will become an enginer. She knows that if she does A then B will happen. Now, here is where she is so freaking smart, if she wants D, she will calculate and maneauver A, B and C to get D. And when she finally does get D, she relished her victory in such a way that you can only laugh and know she is so proud of herself.
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